Start Your Summer Reading List

I don’t know about you but I get most of my reading done in the summer! There’s something about the warm weather and a good book that just goes hand in hand! But before I even crack open a book I make my summer reading list! It’s a great way to get started, and to keep me on track plus sometimes I even forget what I want to read. 

If you know you want to start your summer reading journey but don’t know what to put on your list I am here to help! I will list some out based on genre and if something catches your eye add it to your list! we go!


Teen and Young Adult



Historical Fiction


Happy Reading!

Upcoming Audiobooks!

Typically I give you a round up of the audiobooks released at the end of the month. But, I thought we should switch it up this time around and let you know when they’re releasing! So mark your calendars because we have some great audiobooks releasing soon!

Ignite, The Disciples series Book 4 by Cassandra Robbins – April 12

Savage Row by Britney King – April 13

Outskirts of Hope by Jo Ivester – April 13

When the Smoke Clears by Kenya Wright – April 13

The Entitled by Cassandra Robbins – April 20

Ghosts, King & Slater Book 5 – April 27

And make sure to follow us on our other social media so you can learn more about these titles!



March Audiobooks

Boy oh boy do we have audiobooks for you! This is my favorite time of the month, when we can do an audiobook round up for you! Just when you think you’ve reached the end, there’s more! So make sure you keep scrolling!

We have a great assortment, so whatever kinds of genres you’re into I’m sure will be here. Let us know if you’ve read any of these already!

How to Build A Reading Group

Having a dedicated space for readers is a great way to stay connected with your audience, promote your work, and get inspiration. Some authors may choose to have groups based on a specific series, but that is up to you. 

Many authors will use Facebook to house these communities. Unlike a Facebook Page, group updates will appear on the members’ new feed. They will also get notifications of new updates to the group, unless they opt out of notifications

Once you create your Facebook group don’t forget to promote it on your other socials so your readers know it’s there! After all it is for them! 

  1. Post on it frequently. When it’s small, welcome each new member, get them excited! Plan your posts in advance  so you won’t have to worry about it for the week.
  1. Don’t forget to engage! Answer all the questions you can and comment on posts that your readers make. 
  1. Host events. Set up a group meeting, post a video and answer questions about yourself, have a giveaway of your upcoming release! The possibilities are endless!

Have fun with your reader group! Once you get the hang of posting on one group, maybe you can start another!

How to Spice Up Your Bookshelf

I scroll through instagram a lot…and I ALWAYS come across these beautiful bookshelves! So today our blog post is inspired by just that…bookshelves.

#bookshelf as over 6 million posts on instagram- because people love it! This might encourage you to post a picture of your bookshelf and rack up some likes OR inspire you to spice up your own bookshelf. Either way let’s get started!

  1. The first simple yet effective way to organize your bookshelf is by size. Play around with vertical and horizontal stacking for fun! Some people might even want to take it to the next level and sort the books by color too!
  1. Update your bookshelf by painting it or applying wallpaper to the back. This will give it a wonderful and new look!
  1. Don’t let your bookshelf get too cluttered. If you want to display small knick knacks put them in a fun jar:) Let your books breathe!

Have fun!

Self Boundaries.

I am notorious for saying yes to everybody but myself. But today I start a new challenge, and that is to set boundaries for myself. See if you want to try it too!

Why should I tell a friend yes buy that book you deserve it, and yet when I see one I might enjoy I put it back because I have no place to put it? Well to that I say no more! I want to treat myself like my own friend (best way I could put it). I need to treat myself just as much as I tell my friends and family to treat themselves. 

In the long run I think it will be beneficial for my head space and how I view myself. 

Today was a little bit of a rant, but remember to love yourself! And don’t treat yourself any less than you would a friend:)

Happy Monday!

Better Reader = Better Writer

I, like most people, say I love to read but never have time to pick up the right book and finish it. And while there is no right and wrong way to read, I have noticed some key tricks to make myself a better reader. And while I may not be a writer I figure the more you read the more your writing skills enhance too! Athletes go to the gym…writers go to the library! So let’s get that brain stimulated and pick up a book!

Make a list. 

There might be some power in checking off a box, because I know I am more productive when a list is involved. So create a list of all the books you want to read that month or year and get checking!

Read several books at once. 

For me I know as soon as a book starts to feel boring I put it down and never return. However, if you read several books at once and create options for yourself there will be more of a chance you will open the book up again. 

And feel free to mix it up! Read a book and also have an audiobook on hand for an alternative option. It can be very refreshing from print books to relax your eyes and get a fresh look on a book.

Try before you buy.

Read the Kindle or Amazon sample before you buy a book. Get a taste for the writing style to determine if it’s a book you would enjoy until the end. Maybe even read a few reviews, but watch out for spoilers!

Take notes.

If you are a blogger or someone who likes to share their reading findings, I find that it is easier to take notes while reading rather than afterwards. It may seem like this process takes longer, but it is better than going back into the passage to look for something you thought you read. Plus, taking notes is a great way to retain what you just read!

And for all you writers out there write down what you like and don’t like about books you’re reading for your own work. Take notes of character development and plot twists and so forth. Spark your own creativity!

Take note of your down time. 

Find the right time to read for you. On a lunch break, right before bed, or on your commute to work. There is no bad time to read, but you also have to accept that sometimes you may not find the time. For me I noticed that I could be replacing my screen time with reading a book. You might have to find a new balance but once you do reading will be much easier!

Follow us for more reading, writing and author tips!

Happy Reading!

February Audiobooks!

The shortest month of the year has come and gone, but don’t worry because boy do we have a collection of audiobooks for you today! I don’t think I have seen a big list like this in a while so make sure you keep scrolling!

Happy Listening!

January Audiobooks!

New year, new audiobooks! Check out this month’s dazzling audiobooks to get your year started! Whether you’re an audiobook pro or you’re just getting started scroll to see if anything catches your eye! And don’t forget to click for a sample!

Happy Reading!

Think the Impossible

New year, new you right? Well how about we start thinking about the impossible. Change your mindset and go beyond what is realistic, and think instead of the impossible!

It might be scary at first but think of all the new ideas that may come out of it and the goals you could accomplish. Write them down (as always)

The more impossible the better!

Happy thinking!