A Lady Bird Prophet


Prophetic bird with the head of a woman.

  • Perched on top of a pedestal of wisdom and knowledge, the gamayun speaks only of divine messages and prophecies.
  • She lives on an island; this particular island is considered to be paradise.
  • It might not seem like a paradise to us, though. She lives on this island alone. It might be due to wanting to separate herself away from humankind and other animals since she knows the demise of it all and wants to watch it all unfold.
  • Alongside another mythological creature, the Gamayun played a huge role in integrating Christianity into society.
  • A singer of hymns and all-knowing creature…the Gamayun still has her influence on Russia. She can even be found on the coat of arms for some towns!

One thought on “A Lady Bird Prophet

  1. gpavants February 26, 2019 / 7:50 pm

    Proverbs 8 I think gives Wisdom the feminine role as well. God does have a way of helping understand that internal and deeper strength by attribiting Wisdom that way.

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