The Daily Writing Helper

Writing habits are difficult to develop once you’ve gotten into the habit of doing something else. You’ll find plenty of blog posts telling you what to do or pins on Pinterest attempting to ignite your writing fire; you may browse books with daily writing prompts or tips on how to improve your skills. These options are cute and all but what about utilizing technology in your favor – particularly the notification bar on your device.

This is where Daily Page comes in.

Daily Page is a wonderful writing tool to assist you in finding your groove – your writing groove.

You’re able to set a time and receive reminders in your email to take some time to dive into writing. You can select a prompt to follow. Or if you’re feeling in a particular mood or ready to embark on one particular journey, you have the option to freewrite. You can track your writing with the writing stats Daily Page offers. It will create your Writing Score which may improve once you begin your daily habit of taking to the keyboard or notebook! There is even the option to visualize your stats. You’ll understand yourself better as a writer and develop better habits to finish your WIP (Work in Progress.)

There are writing courses offered through the subscription. Not simply for novel writing, alone, but for other types of professional writing such as screenwriting and blogging.

Get your subscription going and get your brain to concocting a new story!

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The Writing-Regimen

Finding time to write is sometimes the hardest thing to do. We have other jobs, errands to run, houses to clean, and children to tend to. We say we will write when we have the time, but do we ever really have the time?

I love hearing about other people’s writing routines and regimens. There are so many different ways to make time to write, the process is intriguing. I found an article by Shawn Blanc on the Observer blog about his writing routine and why he believes in having one.

Every morning Shawn sits down at his desk and that’s his time to write. He sets a timer for 30 minutes and cuts off all his connections to the outside world. For the next half hour, all his energy and attention goes towards writing. This ensures that he finds time to write every single day. As Shawn points out, putting words down on a blank page is the hardest part. Carving out a particular time each day, forces Shawn to write more instead of just writing when he has the “time.”


Despite the fact that Shawn already has a regimented writing routine, he is always looking for ways to improve its effectiveness. Currently, he doesn’t write much on the weekends and he mentions that he feels those effects on Monday morning. As the week progresses, his writing gets better and better. Having this type of self-awareness will make Shawn a better writer, the ability to recognize your weaknesses is half the battle. For some, that break might be beneficial but for others it might be detrimental.

I also particularly liked how Shawn actually starts his writing process for the next day, the evening before. He leaves a note on his keyboard about the topic he wants to write about tomorrow morning. This way, he can think about the topic before he starts writing and he isn’t scrambling to find a topic the next morning. If we think about our goals before we set out to achieve them, our mind is put at ease and we feel a little more ready to take on the day.

If you still haven’t found the writing groove that works for you, you might also want to check out my post on finding your own creative space.

Whether Shawn uses what he writes every day, or ends up throwing it out, at least he is writing. Write on.