Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors

There is so much writing advice out there! You can read a book or articles, watch Youtube videos, or listen to podcasts! They are great for when you don’t necessarily have the ‘time’ to read. You can listen to them whenever you are available. However, some podcasts do have reading transcripts available that way you can get the best of both worlds. 

Now here are some great podcasts available!

The Self Publishing Show (Mark Dawson and James Blatch)

Frequency: weekly

Average length: 50 minutes

Transcript available: yes

Best for: self-publishers

Writers on Writing (Barbara DeMarco-Barrett)

Frequency: weekly

Average length: 55 – 60 minutes

Transcript available: no

Best for: fiction writers focused on their craft

The Portfolio Life (Jeff Goins)

Frequency: weekly

Average length: 30 – 40 minutes

Transcript available: no

Best for: writers looking for inspiration and encouragement

Helping Writers Become Authors (K.M. Weiland)

Frequency: three times a month

Average length: 15 – 20 minutes

Transcript available: yes (the podcast is a read-aloud version of K.M.’s blog posts)

Best for: fiction writers

The Creative Penn (Joanna Penn)

Frequency: weekly

Average length: 60 – 70 minutes

Transcript available: yes (for the interview portion of the episode)

Best for: fiction-writers; writers who are interested in self-publishing

Bestseller, from Reedsy

Frequency: roughly weekly while the season is running

Average length: 20 minutes

Transcript available: no

Best for: self-publishers, novelists

There are podcasts for everyone, whether you are just starting to listen or you’ve been listening forever! It doesn’t just end here. 

Tell us some of your favorite pdcasters!

Happy Listening!

Motivational Apps to Start Your Day Right!

Every now and then we all need a boost of motivation. Whether you are getting it from your friends, coworkers, or an app it is always nice to hear! We have rounded up some apps to put you into the right space mentally. Take a look and maybe try them for yourself.

Think Up

Cost: Free

This is a positive affirmation app. Select the ones you like and record them in your own voice! Apparently, hearing affirmations in your own voice instead of hearing them from someone else makes it 10x more effective. 


Cost: Free

Do you like to create vision boards? Well if so this app is for you! Create a bucket list of all your dreams, goals, and plans. Then use the app to tackle those goals and keep track of them!


Cost: Free or $9.99/month with premium

With this app you will get a podcast, therapist, and bullet journal all in the palm of your hand. They offer over 900 audio sessions with the topic of your choosing. Use this app to set personal reminders and keep your goals on track!

Be Focused

Cost: Free

Breaking up your work into smaller tasks makes it easier to stay motivated. Which is why Be Focused helps you divide tasks into 25 minutes of work with a five minute break. If you are determined to kick procrastination to the curb check this app out!


Cost: Free

This is an app on your phone designed to keep you off your phone. I know how it sounds, but this app makes it fun! You plant a seed when you want to put down your phone, as time goes by a tree will form. However, if you pick your phone back up and leave the app your tree will die. You can unlock rewards and challenge your friends! It is a fun way to be motivated to have less screen time. 

I hope one of these apps will catch your eye to stay motivated and keep your stress at ease. Let us know if you have any other great apps that help you stay motivated when you need it the most!

Happy Working!