The Role of Conflict in Creative Writing 

Conflict is an important element in creative writing, as it helps to drive the plot forward and keeps the reader engaged. Without conflict, stories may become stagnant and uninteresting (which is something we try to avoid:)).

There are different types of conflict that can be utilized in creative writing. The most common is external conflict, which occurs when a character is facing a problem or obstacle that is external to them, such as fighting against an enemy or trying to survive in a dangerous situation. Internal conflict, on the other hand, occurs when a character is struggling with their own thoughts and feelings. This can be something as simple as indecision or something more complex, such as grappling with a moral dilemma. 

Conflict can also be character-vs-character, where two characters are in opposition to one another, or character-vs-society, where a character is at odds with the values or expectations of the society in which they live. 

One of the key ways that conflict helps to drive a story forward is by creating tension. When a character is facing a problem or obstacle, the reader wants to know how they will overcome it. Will they be able to succeed or will they fail? This sense of uncertainty keeps the reader turning the page, eager to see what happens next. 

Another way that conflict can be used creatively is by adding depth to a character. When a character is facing an internal conflict, it allows the reader to get to know them better and understand their motivations and desires. It can also help to create empathy in the reader, as they can relate to the character’s struggles. 

Conflict plays a crucial role in creative writing. It helps to create tension, drive the plot forward, and add depth to characters. By including conflict in your writing, you can create engaging and compelling stories that keep your readers hooked and coming back for more. Write On! 

young indian couple having quarrel at home
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

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